Saturday, 31 January 2009

photos I was planning to use as textures

These were some photos that I took over christmas, with the idea that I could use them for textures and change them in photoshop, I forgot all about them untill i discoverd the folder on my hard drive, ive since gone and found a few of the textures i will need from the net.

eye ball model practise

Here is a model of an eye I made over the weekend, its just a practise version as there are a few problems with it, But now ive done the tutorial it wont take me long to do the final one.

monkey model rough images

here are some more rough stills of the main body of my monkey through various stages of development in 3d.

some stills of my monkey model, feet problem

There is a design fault that I discoverd early on in the making of my monkey, The feet in the drawings are quite arched, and when translating that into the 3d model I found that if put on a flat floor, The monkey would not be able to stand properly. Therefore in the 3d stage I changed the feet to keep the same shape, just to make the bottom of the feet flat.

Wednesday, 28 January 2009

new tortoise character

It was decided that since I had to shorten my vienette, It was best to leave out the section were the monkey uses the drills and blowtorch, because it seems out of place now that its turned into more of a showreel and im focusing more on the the cycles, so to add a bit more to it, it was suggested that I introduce a tortoise into the skit, more concepts will be up soon.

Thursday, 22 January 2009

Group work, Tims clay model finished

Tim made me my monkey model, pictures to follow soon, this will help when im modelling it in maya. Very nice job and the model was made in good time for me to work off.

monkey model practise

This is just an early test version of my monkey model. this is not going to be my final one, just me having a practise before I do the real thing

revised story board

After the jan review it was found that the story itself had started to focus more on a narative then the actions itself. The actions were fine but the story was to long and needed to be condenced down. so I decided how to change the structure.
As I just want to focus on animation, prefereably leaning towards games. The actions that were best were runs,jumps ettc. so the story is now going to focus on the monkey trying to break the nut, instead of having him sleeping in the tree, its just going to get straight into the action, this make sit easier for me with there being less to animate and gives me more time to focus on the cycles.

so these are the two new alternative scenes, The first is the opening which is shorter, and the second is the ending.

Christmas work

For the majority of christmas I was mainly focusing on getting my dissertation finished, but I also managed to find and make some textures for various things in the set, such as the rocks and grass.