Thursday, 19 February 2009

First rigging attempts

I fixed the seam running around my monkey over the weekend, so now im starting to rig. This is the part ive been really dreading, as I think the technical side of maya is my biggest weakness, but I wanted to take a character from concept all the way through to animation, so I wanted to try rigging aswell.

I gave myself a dead line for it though, i didnt want to sit there and struggle with it and have rigging eat in to my animation time, so Dave found me a pre rigged monkey he saw on highend, so if my rigging attempt didnt work, I at least had a back up, Isaid if it wasnt rigged by this wensday i would not carry it through, but after talking to Paul he said to give it a week longer as ive worked really hard on the modelling.

Thats what ive spent the last week doing, getting to grips with set up machine.I started on tuesday, rigged it about 25 times, changed the tail on the model so that its straight. As set up machine puts the widgets in straight and its just easier to go back and remodel. The next few images are of my rigging progress throughout this week.

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