Wednesday, 8 April 2009

the graph editor

I did a quad walk which me and other class mates looked at yesterday.And today aswell, ive gone and fixed the problems which we saw, also im having to carry on the walk cycle to the tree without looping it in the graph editor, we took monkey for a loop walk today but for some reason the forward translate wouldnt work right, so instead of spending days trying to figure out why we said it would be easier and waste less time to just go and finnish the walk of myself, which is what I shall be doing tomorrow, I had to use the graph editor to fix certain parts on the hand slides, as even when I copyed the values across the hands were still sliding through the floor, the graph editor is something I try to avoid if I can because it confuses me, but there was no other way to solve this problem so i stuck it out and managed to understand it better. here are some images of my walk being fixed

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