Friday, 15 May 2009

final film submission

This is my final piece that I handed in to be marked, I decided that I prefered the version that was ambient occluded to the one with textures. Although I will try to render out a color version for the degree show. This is the movie, I havent been able to put the sound to it on blogger although the one being marked does have my music on it. There are a few aspects of the film I would like to change for the show. One of them being the style of font used for the txt, I found a good one called 'Cracked', Which went really well with my film, But unfortuantly my version of after effects didnt have it so I had to use another font. I would also like to retime the last few seconds of my film, As I feel that this goes by a bit to quick, But because of time restraints I had to get the renders started otherwise they wouldnt have been ready in time for hand in.This seems like a small aspect to overlook, but I had to render out using the computers in the studio as well as my laptop (which crashed several times and had to restart the render), So baring that in mind I really didnt have a lot of options as the computers took so long to render out my work. The first time it took over 14 hours, This time however because I handed in my work a week later due to my sick note extension, I had more computers available, but only 4 of them were opening my file, so it still took around 10 hours to render.

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