Today I had my first go on facial rig, It took longer to set up then the body rig, but after a few attempts I seem to have done it ok, the only problem so far is the eyelids dont close properly. But I am going to paint weight them and see if that makes a difference, which it should as several people who are more into the technical side of maya then me have said it should be fine, their was a moment when I thought I might have had to go back and add more geomatry into the eyes to make them deform properly, but after Matt checked the mesh he said there was enough to work with and painting the weights should do the trick. The facial rig takes longer to set up, but this means there is less room for error as set up takes you through several stages inabiling you to place certain facial widgets in as you go along, making the whole process a lot smoother the the body rig.
The face rig took me several attempts, were as the body rig I have nearly eighty saves of the attempts.
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